Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Puck update

Puck is growing fast. We boarded him during our holiday vacation and came back to a bigger puppy. I'm guessing that he's about 20 pounds -- twice Tinker's weight. The receptionists also commented on how he is the nicest American Eskimo they've seen in awhile. Rather than snapping at people, he loves on them. And yes, he's still a bit afraid of strangers.

He was neutered at about five months of age -- pretty much as soon as his testicles dropped. No marking of territory, he won't ever lift his leg to pee, and he's still full of energy.

A behavioral issue that we've found and dealt with is his constant thirst. Apparently his mom is the same way -- always panting, always thirsty. So we've been limiting his water in-take (count to ten and he's done) and have a potty pad down by the door. He uses the pad and we're not obsessing over health problems.

Commands -- sit is solid but often confused with down (this is normal), down is understood with hand command but he pounces as if he was going to catch our hands and play, wait is getting much better since he can stand still long enough for me to put a bowl on the floor, and our recall is decent. He's a smart little dog. Very sweet, too.

I really really should get him in obedience classes if just for socialization. He is capable of so many things, but I'm going to need some help with his attention span.

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