Saturday, January 5, 2008

work and puppies don't mix

After much drama and that tiny stipulation of doing what they tell me to, Tinker is no longer welcome at work. Which is quite sad, because she is a very well-behaved puppy (not to mention cute). It's such a good thing that I don't belong to the unit I work with - I have a feeling that Monday is going to suck.

There were two reasons I was taking her to work: she's a letter away from being an official emotional support animal, and she needs to be properly socialized before I can consider training her to be a service animal. Going to work was helping both of us - I was not as anxious and she was making good progress.

But, such is life. I didn't have proper authorization to bring her, she doesn't have her official letter, and emotional support animals don't have the same access rights as service animals. Luckily, I didn't get in trouble for bringing Tinker or how I left work yesterday. Something about leaving without telling my job site supervisor, insubordination to an officer, and I wouldn't be surprised if my supervisor tried to add more BS to that list. If my med board goes smoothly, I don't think I'll be working for The Man for much longer.

The good thing? Tinker definitely did her job yesterday. Good dog.

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